
SUPER Science in the River City (SIRC)--May 2013

Understanding Atmospheric Circulation by Rich Hedman

Click on a link below, then click the DOWNLOAD tab, to download the file:

1. Blank Earth Map

2. Air is Fluid Activities

3. Task 2: Basic Model

4. Task 3: Revised Model

5. Model of Atmospheric Circulation

6. Coriolis Effect on Other Planets

  • Video Clips:

1. Cloud Motion Phenomenon

    [video in WMV format]

2. Heat in Tub of Water

3. Cold in Tub of Water

4. Heat & Cold in Water

5. Rotating Earth Image

6. Coriolis MIT Movie: download from:

7. Jupiter Cloud Bands


I hope you find these resources useful in teaching your students--Rich



Don't forget to click the DOWNLOAD tab, then SAVE AS onto your computer!

[this is a screen shot showing the DOWNLOAD tab]


Please email me if you have any questions at